You may be wondering how Little Leeds all started and how we arrived here today.. well grab a glass of your favourite fizz and find out...wind the clock back a good few years, Tory was working in hospitality when she met her now husband (and Chef) Nick, and for a while they divided their time between jobs in the UK and France. With a shared love for food and the hospitality industry they married and in 2015 welcomed Harper-Rose to their world. If you know Tory you’ll know she doesn’t do anything by halves, a few months after having Harper, Fox & Moon was founded.
Fox & Moon
Back then, under the guise of Fox & Moon, Tory spent all her spare time designing and making wellbeing planners (initially to help her own personal fitness goals). Fox & Moon then has since grown into one of the UK’s go-to places on the internet for all things planning; being home to the most beautiful Christmas, budget and wellbeing planners there is. As for most, 2020 saw a bunch of changes for Tory & Nick. In the midst of a global pandemic, their family of three became four, hello Freddie-Beau! Freddie didn’t waste any time getting himself on the payroll either, entertaining mummy from his rocker whilst she packed orders at HQ throughout lockdown.
George was watching from afar (I’ll let Tory tell this bit) and yes it was as creepy as it sounds. People often ask how we met, assuming we’re childhood friends.. well the truth is George spent her maternity leave trying to stalk/befriend me, and as they say.. the rest is history! Little did I know, the girl that stalked me via Instagram would become such an integral part of my life. Despite being quite different, we share so many similarities and have so much in common I think we both agree – we’d be lost without one another. In November 2020; fellow foodie and chef wag George, joined Fox & Moon.
the leeds deli & our tiny play kitchen
If running one business in the middle of a pandemic wasn’t chaotic enough, Nick & Tory decided to showcase their love of food by opening a deli. February 2021 they picked up the keys to a little commercial unit, that we now know and love as The Leeds Deli, and that’s when it all starts to make sense. They put in a tiny little play area in corner The Leeds Deli which has been so well received by the local neighbourhood. It was originally created with our their children in mind; and didn't quite realise how many others wanted to enjoy a hot coffee in peace!
the leeds deli mum club
We started our Mum Club back in January 2022 on a mission to meet some local mums and make some new friends! We're absolutely blown away by how popular it has been with each event selling out quicker than we can drink a bottle of Prosecco (which for the record is fast!). The 'Mum Club' started as a one off event; socialising with like-minded people and getting a chance to chat all about the highs and lows of parenting (and everything in between) without judgement. It quickly became a community of amazing women coming together to meet new people, make new friends and enjoy adult conversation with their little ones in tow.
tiny trio play
At the same time George, and her sister in law Katie started Tiny Trio Play, a children's soft play hire business delivering the most beautiful soft play pieces to birthday parties in venues and homes across Leeds - and of course our monthly Mum Clubs.
little leeds
Fast forward 18 months from then.. and our tiny little play kitchen can't keep up.. so we've decided to move it next door and bring everything we've learned together. Which brings us to Little Leeds - EAT (driven by The Leeds Deli) PLAY (inspired by our little play kitchen & our Mum Clubs) and SHOP (made easy with knowledge from Fox & Moon).